Katherine Hernandez

Katherine Hernandez

Meet Katherine Hernandez! She is the recipient of the Robert While Scholarship. Katherine has lived in Gillette all her life and she graduated from Campbell County High School, she loves to read, watch sunsets, and go on hikes during the summer. Katherine will be graduating in Spring of 2023 with her Associate’s Degree in Math and Secondary Education.  When asked where she will be transferring to, she said, “I am not entirely sure yet, but I think I will most likely be transferring to the University of Wyoming in Laramie.” There she plans on completing her Bachelor’s Degree in Math Education, and after graduating she plans on becoming a high school math teacher.

The Robert While Scholarship has positively affected Katherine’s life by giving her the opportunity to continue her studies without having to worry about how she will afford her classes, books, and other materials that she needs. “I an incredibly grateful that I was awarded this scholarship because scholarships are the reason, I will be able to graduate with an Associate’s Degree.” Being at Gillette College has taught her that it is completely fine to ask for help when you need it. Katherine thinks back, “when I was in high school, I always felt embarrassed to ask other for help, but throughout my time at Gillette College, I have learned that there is nothing to be embarrassed about.” Whether it be financial help or academic help, there is always someone that is more than happy to help you. Katherine has had two professors that have made her time at Gillette College much better than she expected. She took Statistics and Linear Algebra with Professor Mary Allison, and she was amazing.  She was always willing to help Katherine however she could, which she really appreciated. Professor Dana Cochran is another professor that has helped Katherine so much throughout her time at Gillette College, she has taken many Math classes with her, and she always makes sure that everyone understands the materials. “My advice for future students is to not worry about college. College is different from high school, and it is a big change, but Gillette College is a great place to be at. Do not procrastinate, try to learn how to manage your time because it will help in the long run. If you need help, ask, there is always someone that can help. Lastly, try not to stress yourself out too much and not be too hard on yourself.” Katherine’s best thing about Gillette College was the number of resources that are available for the students. If someone needs help because they’re struggling in a class, there are tutors that can help. The professors are also amazing, always willing to help however they can. On thing she is thankful for is the number of scholarships that are offered at Gillette College. Katherine knows there are many students like her that think going to college is impossible because it is expensive, but thankfully at Gillette College, there are several scholarships you can apply for that make it possible to graduate with a degree.

Congratulations, Katherine! The Gillette College Foundation is proud to recognize you as one of our scholarship recipients!